General terms and conditions Investors


We firmly believe that success comes from collaboration and innovation. The Investment Agreement represented within our General Terms and Conditions of Investment is an opportunity to explore new financial and growth prospects together. Our investment agreement is an open door to promising opportunities, as it aims to establish solid, mutually beneficial partnerships between our company and visionary investors like ourselves, whether corporate or individual. Translated with (free version)


The parties agree as follows:
The parties hereby define the terms and conditions of the Investor's investment in the Company, as well as their respective rights and obligations under this Agreement. The following provisions will be applied and respected by both parties to ensure the success and prosperity of their partnership.
The following articles and clauses detail the commitments, guarantees, rights and responsibilities of the Investor and the Company, as well as the procedures and mechanisms for resolving any disputes that may arise.
In witness whereof, the parties have signed this agreement on the date mentioned above, in the presence of the following witnesses.

Article 1 - Purpose of the agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to determine the rights, responsibilities and obligations of the Investor and Société Rémi Ledé SAS with respect to the investment to be made by the Investor.

Article 2 - Placement

The Investor will have to make an investment of XX€ defined at the time of the subscription of his investment pack.

At the end of the legal deadline for withdrawing the investment, the Investor will receive the initial total amount. Dividends will be paid annually, as a direct profit on the investment, in the event that the Investor has not redeemed his investment early (subject to penalties, as stipulated in the lock-in clause).

The investor acknowledges that the amount invested confers no title in the Company, and no rights over the management of the funds. They can only benefit from the advantages provided by the investment package they have subscribed to, offered by the company. This is presented here:

Article 3 - Obligations of the Investor

The investor undertakes to :
To pay all sums to be debited in order to honour the investment contract. In the event of late payment or failure to collect the contractual amounts, Rémi Ledé SAS may cancel the contract or apply penalties of 10% on the overdue amounts.

Inform Rémi Ledé SAS by any means in the event of difficulties related to the investment, or any other change in order to find an amicable solution.

Provide Rémi Ledé SAS with all necessary information to enable the administration department to comply with legal obligations.
- Record-keeping
- Issuing a receipt or receipt slip
- Declaration to tax authorities
- Financial statements

Article 4 - Obligations of Rémi Ledé SAS

Rémi Ledé SAS undertakes to :
Provide the investor with monthly or quarterly reports on the company's financial activities, depending on the growth and/or seasonality of the business.

It undertakes to receive the amount invested in whole or in part only after the investor has validated his subscription from the online platform, and after having received this present contract.

Rembourser, au terme du placement et sous réserve des dettes et obligations contractées par l’investisseur envers la Société Rémi Ledé SAS et   des    sûretés    existantes,   la   Somme à l’investisseur, majoré du montant des dividendes annuels.

Article 5 - Blocking clause

The clause specifies the terms relating to the unseizability and non-transferability of the sums invested by the Investor, as well as the period during which these funds will be blocked.

The funds invested will be frozen for the period indicated above. During this period, the sums invested may not be seized or transferred, except under the exceptional conditions specified in this contract.
The conditions for releasing funds are detailed in the next section.

Article 6 - Early termination of the agreement

The Agreement may be terminated by Rémi Ledé SAS as soon as the investor has transferred the Amounts.

In the case referred to in paragraph 5.1, Société Rémi Ledé SAS shall notify the investor and reimburse his investment without the latter being entitled to claim damages.

Investors may request full repayment of their investment, subject to the Fund Lock-In Clause. The company will then have 30 days to collect the sums to be reimbursed.

Article 7 - Dividend payments

Société Rémi Ledé SAS undertakes to pay out investment profits each year in accordance with the company's balance sheet accounting calendar. The investor will therefore receive these dividends in his bank account, during the first quarter of the year following the year of subscription of his investment, until the maturity date of the contract.

Article 8 - Modification

The investor will be notified of any changes to the terms and conditions of the agreement, and must give his or her written consent for them to apply to his or her current contract.

Article 9 - General provisions

All amounts of the said investment and related investments are presented in Euro (€). Likewise, this agreement is governed by the law applicable in France. In the event of a dispute, the courts of the city of Reims (postal code 51100) shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Article 10 - Contact information  

If you would like to contact us to understand more about this policy or if you would like to contact us with any questions regarding this agreement, or to invest larger amounts than those offered by the investment packages presented on, you can send us an e-mail at

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