Experts in holistic coaching

Since 2017, we have been helping both individuals and organizations overcome their blockages through a minimalist and innovative approach. Drawing on our own experience, we share proven strategies to support you with authenticity and efficiency. Our mission: to guide you towards greater clarity, serenity and success, by simplifying your path to your goals, without exhaustion or unnecessary complications.


Experts in holistic coaching

We help both individuals and organizations overcome their blockages through a minimalist and innovative approach.


Order simplicity and coherence

If you don't want to miss out on your life anymore, you have to understand what derailed you.


Helping individuals and organizations simplify their lives by restoring order, consistency and structure while eliminating the superfluous in order to achieve greater performance and reliable results every day.


A world where individuals and organizations evolve with clarity, efficiency and serenity, free from chaos and the superfluous. By returning to the essential, everyone can reach their full potential without exhausting themselves in useless efforts.


Helping those who feel overwhelmed to structure their daily lives and projects by establishing more coherence and organization. Thanks to a minimalist and global approach, we help people succeed.


Our innovative service offering

Free yourself from the superfluous and adopt minimalism. We use a systemic approach to guide you through the process of eliminating all that's unnecessary, so that you can gain clarity, efficiency and achieve your goals with greater fluidity. By helping you establish new habits and strategies, we make success an integral part of your daily routine.

In a world saturated with empty promises and insubstantial marketing advice, we've designed an innovative and practical program. This multi-domain program, combining coaching, training and events, lets you juggle different formats to meet your needs in a comprehensive and coherent way. We do everything we can to ensure that you are never again left wanting for solutions, and that you have a reliable framework within which to make lasting progress.

After more than 10 years on the sidelines of his own life, Rémi Ledé, founder of our start-up, realized that conventional personal development solutions were often superficial. That's why we've created a form of support designed to provide solid, lasting answers, far removed from the commercial blur of fake wellness experts. Thanks to technology, we now combine coaching, training and events into one powerful and accessible service, previously unimaginable. Discover now how minimalism and our strategies can transform your life and free you from chaos.

Our innovative service offering

Free yourself from the superfluous and adopt minimalism. We use a systemic approach to guide you through the process of eliminating all that's unnecessary, so that you can gain clarity, efficiency and achieve your goals with greater fluidity. By helping you establish new habits and strategies, we make success an integral part of your daily routine.

In a world saturated with empty promises and insubstantial marketing advice, we've designed an innovative and practical program. This multi-domain program, combining coaching, training and events, lets you juggle different formats to meet your needs in a comprehensive and coherent way. We do everything we can to ensure that you are never again left wanting for solutions, and that you have a reliable framework within which to make lasting progress.

After more than 10 years on the sidelines of his own life, Rémi Ledé, founder of our start-up, realized that conventional personal development solutions were often superficial. That's why we've created a form of support designed to provide solid, lasting answers, far removed from the commercial blur of fake wellness experts. Thanks to technology, we now combine coaching, training and events into one powerful and accessible service, previously unimaginable. Discover now how minimalism and our strategies can transform your life and free you from chaos.


Domaines de prédilection

Découvrez les sujets sur lesquels nous pouvons faire une différence.

Leader & confiance en soi et en les autres

Développez votre leadership en renforçant assurance, charisme et collaboration. Ce service aide à bâtir une confiance solide pour inspirer, motiver et fédérer efficacement vos équipes.

Nutrition & bien-être mental ou physique

Optimisez votre santé en équilibrant alimentation et bien-être. Ce service vous guide pour adopter des habitudes saines, améliorer votre énergie et atteindre un épanouissement global.

Gestion financière & autonomie

Apprenez à maîtriser vos finances personnelles et professionnelles. Ce service vous guide pour optimiser vos ressources, prendre des décisions éclairées et atteindre une indépendance financière.

Habillage & Valeure perçue en société

Vous aide à affirmer votre image à travers votre style vestimentaire. Ce service améliore l’impact visuel et la perception de votre personnalité, renforçant ainsi votre confiance et votre influence sociale.

Relationnel amoureux & éducation parentale

Améliorez vos relations personnelles en cultivant l’harmonie dans le couple et en favorisant une parentalité bienveillante. Ce service aide à renforcer les liens familiaux et à construire un environnement sain et épanouissant.

Gestion de carrière & Skill’s développement

Optimisez votre parcours professionnel en alignant compétences et objectifs. Ce service vous guide dans l’acquisition de nouvelles aptitudes et le développement de votre potentiel pour réussir dans votre carrière.

Our team

We are reinventing coaching by adding the adrenaline of adventure to boost growth.

Coaching Aventure Rémi Ledé

Remi Lede


Coaching Aventure Rémi Ledé

Cyril Hubeau


Coaching Aventure Rémi Ledé

Lucie Grange


Coaching Aventure Rémi Ledé

Bharath Mohan


Coaching Aventure Rémi Ledé

Vanessa Oliviera


Coaching Aventure Rémi Ledé

Benjamin Olezyk


Coaching Aventure Rémi Ledé

Elodie Godelle


Coaching Aventure Rémi Ledé

Nicolas Menard


Coaching Aventure Rémi Ledé

Thomas Laire


Chloe Auge


Rishi Chand



Ask us your questions and we will answer them

We provide you with a dedicated support service and an online FAQ where you will find answers to the most common questions. For more personalized information, our customer support team is ready to assist you. Access our online FAQ to consult the answers to your questions. A member of our team will answer you as soon as possible. Otherwise, we can be reached by email, via the contact form on our site or through the chat made available to our visitors. So don't waste any more time and start living the life of your dreams with shock support.

Ask us your questions and we will answer them

We provide you with a dedicated support service and an online FAQ where you will find answers to the most common questions. For more personalized information, our customer support team is ready to assist you. Access our online FAQ to consult the answers to your questions. A member of our team will answer you as soon as possible. Otherwise, we can be reached by email, via the contact form on our site or through the chat made available to our visitors. So don't waste any more time and start living the life of your dreams with shock support.

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